I am a Senior Research Engineer at Arm, based in the Cambridge offices.
I will serve on the program committee for Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP).
I organised a workshop for HOL4 users, hosted at Arm.
I submitted to the Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR) with other CakeML developers.
I served on the program committee for Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP).
I am working with Anthony Fox and Magnus Myreen (on sabbatical from Chalmers University of Technology).
I submitted to European Symposium on Programming (ESOP) with other PureCake developers. This won a distinguished artifact award, and was nominated for an ETAPS best paper award.
I successfully defended my thesis, subject to minor corrections. My external examiner/opponent was Xavier Leroy.
I submitted to Programming Language Design and Implementation Programming (PLDI) with other CakeML developers – see here for an overview.
I worked with Marco Elver and Aleksandr Nogikh on the Kernel Dynamic Tools team in Munich, improving syzkaller fuzzing for filesystems.
I worked with Dulma Churchill in the Infer London team, improving Infer’s Pulse taint analysis.
I submitted to Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), building on my Arm internship – see here for an overview.
I worked with Catherine Gasnier in the Hack London team, improving type-inference for Hack by generating constraints on method invocations.
I worked with Anthony Fox in the security research group, investigating the Sail language ecosystem and its applications in formal reasoning about the semantics of the Arm instruction set.
I placed second at Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2020. This involved three rounds: an extended abstract, a poster, and a presentation.
I submitted to the Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR) with other CakeML developers – see here for an overview.
In 2023, I finished my PhD at the University of Kent, supervised by Olaf Chitil (planning/dissertation) and Scott Owens (at Facebook since late 2019). My thesis was titled “Verified compilation of a purely functional language to a realistic machine semantics” - you can find out more about my research here.
I received my undergraduate degree at University of Cambridge (2015 - 2018). I read Natural Sciences in my first year, and Computer Science in my second/third years. My Director of Studies during these last two years was Tim Griffin.
You can also find a short CV here.